Sunday, 24 June 2007

Can Muslims Be Stopped Being Linked With Terrorism?????

Twelve drawings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH printed in a major Danish newspaper have turned millions of Muslims against Denmark. The pictures that disparaged Islam and denigrated the Prophet has an offending images included Prophet Muhammad PBUH with a bomb wrapped in his turban. The Muslim community in the small Scandinavian country erupted in anger and from there the angry hearts increased all over the world.

Not only did the images denigrate Islam's central figure;the drawings also equated all Muslims with terrorism. How can a human dare draw such a cartoon of our Holy Prophet? We have no idea of His appearance nor do we have His painting . He is the messenger of Allah. He is the chosen man to bring down the Holy Quran and spread Islam. It's not the depiction of the religion's founder Prophet Muhammad PBUH that is forbidden, but either the depiction of any of God's creatures OR the slander of an Prophet. For me slandering a Prophet would, however not fall under something like "slander" or "hate crime", but actually seen as "kufr" or “ Kafir”, i.e. unbelief/apostasy.

People who make fun of any religion belong to no religion . They have no faith. According to the Islam it is blasphemous to make images of the prophet. The press in all the countries of the world has the right to print what ever their law permits. But freedom of print doesn’t mean to make fun of our holy Prophet Mohammed PBUH. I believe that freedom is not a right it is a privilege as long as you use it with full responsibility. By provoking the Islamic world, I wonder what that Danish cartoonist achieved?The majority of Muslim countries worldwide are boycotting Danish products. I am not boycotting Danish products even though I am a Muslim because Danish people/Manufactures haven’t done anything. Why should their economy suffer? I have nothing against the Danish people. Muslims should follow the example of Prophet Muhammad PBUH even in the worst of circumstances.

What the point in reacting violently as a reaction to devilish cartoons proves us no saints?? Islam is a message for the salvation of humanity! Don't let the evil mongers distract us from our mission given to us by the Almighty God.Today non-Muslim may be an atheist or an agnostic or you may belong to any of the religious denominations that exist in the world today or have been a Communist or a believer in democracy and freedom and no matter whatever religious and political beliefs, personal and social habits happen to be—NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO MAKE A STUPID CARTOON and show a terrifying image of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Islam is a concept, not an agent. Thus it's not Islam that forbids anything, but the authorities on Islamic law. If a few Muslims are responsible for the attacks in London and US the whole Muslims are not to be blamed. Though those people who are responsible for terrorism has a Muslim name but are not Muslim. A Muslim is whose heart and soul is pure.Today I see Islam and Muslims in danger as from everywhere Muslims are targetted.I just wish that I can see the world togther and all Muslims as one comminity.Aameen.

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