Friendship is a relation that stands on mutual knowledge, care, affection and understanding. Friends come in our life to add the right proportion of merged colors in our life to bring a new outlook towards life. Friends are the sibling's God forgot to give us. Our friends in very real sense reflect the choices we make in life.We all need someone to talk to, someone who would hear us patiently and guide us.We need to be valued and given encouragement, importance, care, affection, love, understanding and possess the treasure that is much precious than Gold. Gold is cold heartless and lifeless while the presence of friends is full of blessings.
Living like a wretched fool in an eclipsed world I was wandering in the darkest grope seeing no glimpse of hope when I made my first friend .I was 17 years then. I did make friends before that but none considered me as a friend. Even today people walk in my life to use my kindness and discard me as we discard our forwarded emails.Friends are Angels without wings that brighten my day with their concern care, gestures, guidance, thoughtfulness and the gift of their valuable time that they give to me. .My parents & elders taught me values and made me aware of my responsibilities and directed me to the path I wanted to walk on but without the support of these wonderful friends I see a dead end. I am walking ahead in life due to these wonderful helpful and understanding friends.
My friends are my counselor's who taught me to believe in myself and bounce back from low trampolines of life. They made me appreciate life the way it came and made me live life to the fullest and I explore rainbows of life. Life is full of colors and I saw these beautiful colors with their smiling eyes. They taught me to chase my dreams and never settle with less as I deserve the best in life. When I am in the deepest valley of problems, agony, loneliness, sadness, depression and at a T junction of life it's my friends who gave me a dose of scolds and taught me to make the best out of the challenges and take each challenge as a stepping stone to success. Their kind and positive words has endure better traits in my nature and now I know the art to change my lookout towards the current situation and sharpen my way of thinking to be a better human.They whisper magical words in my ears when I am all alone talking to my self in the darker days. My eyes flicker with a spark to end the dream and It makes me so happy that my friends don’t even leave me in my dreams too. Well I noticed that each person enters our life for a reason and teach us some or the other valuable lessons. I also noticed the people for whom I cared the most are taken away from me soon.
Well there are few friends without faces whom we just know by moving the mouse in the wizard room which is no less than a maze. I am referring to internet pals or chat friends. I have made wonderful friends from this source who have been real and true friends. They helped me with all emotional turmoil and break downs. It's so strange that we can be good friends without even meeting each other. Well I did meet a few people whom I met through the wackiest maze and feels so nice to meet them in real. Certain people came like a rush that brought a surety for a true friendship but the reality was different. Just recently I had made a wonderful friend and was sure to add the name in my good friends list. It was very shocking too realize that my new friend never wanted to care for my emotions, feelings, likes and dislikes. How much I truly cared but I knew the fact that I can't expect even a 10% in return for my 110% of efforts to maintain my friendship. A small little word that was a joke hurt my dignity & my soul so bad that it turned me to a dragon. I did behave bad and apologized as I stand up to accept my mistakes. I cried for a whole week as I was deeply hurt. I shared my pain with my other friends & all supported me that the way my friend joked was very wrong as we can't joke this way with a person we hardy know for a short time. All my buddies said "Zahra you deserve wonderful friends as are you are a wonderful person." It made me realized this was a false friendship. False friendship is like a stained glass window which shines in the sunshine but the darker times require the glass to find it own light to remove the stains. This is how I would define my relation with that friend as Zahra was never a concern, her kindness, care and affection was only the requirement. A few net pals are like snow a flakes - a slight high temperature ends the relation leaving no trace. I feel horrible that why do I get so many false friends. I hope God gifts me friends that I deserve.
I need friends who correct me when I m wrong, who scolds me like my parents ,accept me and my principles, my emotions, needs, support me no matter what so ever circumstances be, who understand my worth & who speak nasty things about me on my face & not behind my back.
Friendship often ends in love but love in friendship is for infinity. It's rightly said two people cannot be good friends unless they haven’t hurt each other as that is when we realize the value of that friend and that bonds in a stronger bond. I have burnt my heart to maintain my friendships and I can confidently say that I am blessed with few but blessed with the best of friends. I am the sweetest and an amazing person you can find on the blue planet but if one hurts me on purpose it take's a second for massive lava to erupt. My friendship is like a clay, one can mould me in any form but at the same time I am like aqueous composition of emotions. My friendship is also like a crystal - precious and sparkling but a slight scratch will harm the purity. Please handle with care and affection.
Never underestimate the power of your actions as with small gestures of humanity you can change a person's life for the better or worse.True happiness consist not in multitude of friends but their worth and choice.God invite us in each other's life for a reason to make us realize each other worth. I cherish my friendship with each and every friend as I share a special and different bond with each one. I mould my self according to my friends nature & attitude as its very essential to change yourself and value the people who enter our life with a reason. I can never afford to lose my friends. My dear friends who are my guardian & support and the friends who left me or lost me, I dedicate this blog to you all.